Different From the Ground Up

Financial Services Built Around Your Needs

You’re here because you want something different. And we are different.

We’re fiduciaries challenging the financial services establishment while working to increase your wealth and financial literacy.

No commissions or uncomfortable sales tactics. Recommendations without hidden conflicts of interest. A nimble team focused on servicing your needs. Welcome to the financial partner you deserve.

Welcome to the next generation of you.

Focused on The Best Solution For You

There are often two solutions to every financial situation: the most optimal solution and the one that works best for you. These two are sometimes the same, but not always. That’s because your emotions and history with money impact the decisions you make.

At Generation Capital Management, we help you make the most financially optimal decision while honoring the factors that make you uniquely you. Our goal is to guide, not prescribe.

The end result is a financial partner you can trust to help you forge a future with the most meaning for you.

We Offer

Ways to Serve Every Financial Need

Investment Services

Informed risk management

Financial Planning

More than a retirement plan

Retirement Plan Services

Helping you help your employees

We Are

Qualified and Experienced Fiduciaries

Generation Capital Management is an independent Registered Investment Advisor located in Rochester, NY. Since 2003, we have provided high-value investment management and financial planning services to our clientele through a data-driven process.

We are proud to be fee-only fiduciaries with an advising staff qualified through education and certification.

Always Ready to Empower You.

1163 Pittsford-Victor Rd, Suite 100, Pittsford, NY 14534

The Generation Capital Management Family